Upcoming Appearances
Find a Friendly Fife! Subject to updates:
- Ret-Con: February 24-26, 2023, Cary, NC, USA (guest) www.ret-con.org
- Wilmington Geek Expo: April 1, 2023, Wilmington, NC, USA (vendor) www.wilmingtongeekexpo.com
- JordanCon 2023: April 21-23, 2023, Atlanta, GA, USA (programming participant, staff) www.JordanCon.org
- AtomaCon 2023: May 5-7, 2023, North Charleston, SC (guest) www.atomacon.org/
- ConCarolinas 2023: June 2-4, 2023, Charlotte, NC, USA (attendee) concarolinas.org
- Pemmi-Con: (NasFIC) July 20-23, 2023, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada (attendee) main.pemmi-con.ca
- Glasgow 2024: (WorldCon), August 8-12, 2024, Glasgow, Scotland, UK (attendee) glasgow2024.org
Check back or subscribe to the newsletter to find out when a Fife might be near you.
Past Appearances
- Wilmington Geek Expo: April 16, 2022, Wilmington, NC, USA (vendor) www.wilmingtongeekexpo.com
- JordanCon 2022: April 22-24, 2022, Atlanta, GA, USA (guest, staff) www.JordanCon.org
- Myrtle Beach XCon: May 21-22, 2022, Myrtle Beach, SC, USA (vendor) www.xconworld.com
- ConCarolinas 2022: June 3-5, 2022, Charlotte, NC, USA (guest) www.ConCarolinas.org
- ConGregate8: July 22-24, 2022, Winston-Salem, NC, USA (guest) www.Con-Gregate.com
- ChiCon 8: (WorldCon) September 1-5, 2022, Chicago, IL, USA (attendee/staff) www.chicon.org
- Multiverse 2022: October 14-16, 2022, Atlanta GA, USA (staff) www.MultiverseCon.org
- Smofcon 38: December 2-4, 2022, Montréal, Québec, Canada (presenter) smofcon38.ca